Coldbox has the cbstorages module which can be used as an API for accessing persistent storage such as cookie, session, application, cache and more. The question is: why should I use such storage if there is cfcookie or something simple as as session struct?

Let me explain with some code. I was working on updating the cbi18n module where we can use session, client, cookie or request scope to store the currently selected locale. In code this is getting ugly soon, with code like this

  case "session" : { storage = session; break; }
  case "client"  : { storage = client; break;  }
  case "cookie"  : { storage = cookie; break;  }
  case "request" : { storage = request; break; }

and in other places in the code:

<!--- Storage of the Locale in the user storage --->
<cfif instance.localeStorage eq "session">
  <cfset session.DefaultLocale = arguments.locale>
<cfelseif instance.localeStorage eq "client">
  <cfset client.DefaultLocale = arguments.locale>
<cfelseif instance.localeStorage eq "request">
  <cfset request.DefaultLocale = arguments.locale>
  <cfcookie name="DefaultLocale" value="#arguments.locale#" />
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